helo friend,,this time gamesoft will share a little trick to secure your computer from attack or laptob perenthetical in AUTORUN VIRUS..
Easy Ways to Prevent Autorun virus- Tips and Trick : Certaintly the rarely heard these viruses for the laity,must be understood AUTORUN VIRUS is one of the dangerous virus because it can make the Autorun feature normally runs his own (auto) without permission of the owner of the PC..
AUTORUN usually stored in flash or modem with Autorun name,, This featur is fact well-intentioned, but abused by virus makers to insert a virus into the computer

gamesoftfull times will give tips on how to prevent autorun virus:

Click Star > Run or the schortcut Windows + R
Then Type gpedit.msc and press enter

His next go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Template > windows Components > autoplay Policies. Then select the turn off Autoplay.
Select the option "enable" to turn off the Autorun. Select the CD-ROM and Removable media drives to just turn off autorun on CD-ROM and flash . when finished, clik OK

with so confirmed the virus will be difficult to enter PC :D 

if any problem please leave a comment, .. use the words good and polite .. God willing I will fix it as soon as possible .. admin

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